— BlueARP v2.3.0 / 25-Apr-2020 (patch format ver = 17) —
Mostly GUI improvements
1. Reworked GUI skinning and scaling engine:
a) New GUI font: Oxanium (embedded into package, no need to install)
b) Pixel-precise font alignment, both on WIN amd OSX
c) new skins: OMG DarkBlue and others (in skins\default.ini)
2. Fixed sync issues in MIDI-FX version on OSX (appeared since 2.2.9)
— BlueARP v2.2.12 / 29-May-2020 (patch format ver = 17) —
Mostly updates related to Unify and other minor changes:
1. ‘GUI Scale’ and ‘Skin’ settings moved from MENU to SETTINGS on the left panel
2. Added octave numbering options, it tells bluearp how to display notes or
which key is the middle – C3, C4 or C5. Before this change – C5 was the only setting,
cause this is the way it works in FL by default
3. Added ‘sustain msg’ and ‘sustain polarity’ options to existing midi cc filtering options.
sustain msg = sustain – works like normal sustain, arp latch – sustain is linked to arp latch
option. Difference with sustain – when all keys are released, chord sustains, but
as long as you press a new key, previous chord is cleared.
4. Added ‘restart chain on switch’ checkbox. When checked, chain always starts from the
beginning after chain switch (otherwise, in restart on beat mode, chain step is calculated from
host song position)
5. Ini file is now saved to different location, cause VST folder doesn’t always have write permission.
Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\BlueARP,
OSX: c:/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/BlueARP
Settings stored in INI are: selected skin, gui scaling, octave numbering